
We are committed to providing customers with the highest levels of service, including taking the necessary steps to protect customers’ privacy.

We treat all personal information collected as highly confidential and in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000. Personal information collected, stored and used by us is handled in accordance with the Act and our Privacy Policy.

Our Gift Offers Privacy Collection Statement outlines how we handle information collected, stored and used by us regarding Gift, Benefit or Hospitality offers made to our Board Directors or employees (including 'in house' contractors and consultants).

Your information and details

We collect personal information to provide water and sewerage related services and products, the promotion of these services and enables us to undertake market research. We're committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information is only collected and stored under our Privacy Policy, and as part of our requirements to comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

What personal information do we collect?

We generally collect personal information that identifies you as an individual, or from which your identity can be reasonably determined. It may include: your name, address, contact details, date of birth and pension card number.

If you are unwilling to supply this information, we may be unable to provide you with some services or products.

How do we collect personal information?

We collect this information directly from you, in some cases through real estate agents or landlords. Solicitors/conveyancers also can provide information particularly where property sales/transfers are conducted.

How will we use and disclose your information?

Personal information collected can be used to inform you of planned or unplanned works to do with your water and sewerage service. It can also be used to send information about bills, events, and to collect feedback on our services.

We do not sell, rent trade or otherwise make available your personal information. 

Freedom of Information (FOI)

We are a prescribed authority under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and are required to respond to requests for access to documents made under that Act.

If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request you can do so yourself or authorise someone to request on your behalf (eg. solicitor).  If you wish for another person to make the request on your behalf, you must give them written authorisation. Applications must:

  • be in writing
  • clearly describe the documents you are requesting access to
  • include the current application fee of $34.08 or provide evidence you qualify to have the application fee waived due to financial hardship (e.g. current healthcare card)
  • include evidence of your identity if the documents are about your personal affairs eg. a copy of your current Drivers Licence. If you are unsure about what identification to provide please contact us.

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner has a helpful form that can guide you through the information you need to provide as part of an FoI process. You can download a copy of the form on the OVIC Freedom of Information webpage.

Email your FOI request to or send to:

FOI Officer
Goulburn Valley Water
PO Box 185
Shepparton VIC 3632